Thursday, September 17, 2009


my eye hv a big power, actually without contexlens, spek i'm blind everything is in blur, but recently, i not wear spec anymore because its lost in the bad incident, and due to contexlens i wear always,my eye become red because blood vessel support oxygen to the eyes and when i go and check my eye at optimetrist, they say if you wearinn this contecxlens always and in worse case senario u can be blind... aaa blind? i'm alone n blind? me become kassim selamat??? tidaaaaaaaaaaaakkkkkkkkk


Cik Imau said...

seriously? so, klu x leh pki contac lens, pakailah c.mata....slmtkn ape yg blh dslamatkn...

abg z said...

em2 serious tp masa tu cmin mata ilang~ so cmne nk pki cmin mata

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