today is merdeka day, free from any note, study, text book, tension, hahaha no more xm tension happyyyy heee kita enjoYYYYYYYY
hahaha to many planning after the exam week, haaa first, enjoyyyyy karok, mandi, jln smpi lebam! after that i have to stay at sh alam to find another rent house anyone? have house to rent? or people want to rent with us, contact me, we need a few people to join our newhouse
we prefer 2 story terrace house, haha upgrade sket from currently home, at pusat comersial, but im want to say sory with my friend who not longer join new house, i, my friends is always do wrong thing because as human being we will always do the wrong thing, we not perfect as our creator, so forgive me and my friend, rasullulah that as massager from the god,forgive their umat, why not us as follower, why not we folow what the rasullulah do,that's will make us better and we will get reward in the world and hereafter. amin
huhuhu at eid of aidiladha zul zlone, haha don't know where to celebrate the eid n about my parent, they already at macca, but recently they call zul, but zul in the middle of exam so zul pick up the phone, but not answer because afraid of the lecturer,take action against zul, zul miss them so much!!! sighhh he zul pray for thir safety n may they get haji yg mabrur insyaallah!
huhu kpd kwn2 selamat bercuti, jga diri elok2 bwk kete elok2, jgn bwk kete smbil melekat, t excident hahaha k byeee jmp g!!!
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