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as human u usually have a friends for companyinn, as human being, we always need friends to do something like eat, work,sharing the problem doing something and so on. we will feel lonely if we don't have friends and being alone, our prophet also have saidina abu bakar as good friends and always encourage, motivate, give support to our prophet until nabi bersabda, half of iman is inside saidina abu bakar and another half is for ummat ku, the friends beside u can become big significant and effect to your life.
when your friends in pain, don't add their burden wit your act, zul don't ask for pity, dont ask sympathy, don't ask money just what zul want give support to me and take teachinn from what i done,and i got some pahala from it, and maybe pray for me a little, don't replicate what i'm done and acting beinnn sad,playinn the sad song always, and lyinn to me... what are u tryiinn to do? what inside u? what my fault u became and act like that?sometime the jokes must be in the right place and in the right time, and plis be honest to me. when u always say a lie but i always story to u what inside me, it become something not right, what wrong this relationship? its is wrong to know about u? when u know all about me? what the point being the best friend if not base on on honest? i maybe the most misarable man in the world, but i become happy and always support the happiness of my friends
and when u know the real truth, it become very2 big burden to me, i already wipe away my pain, but because your act, it like big punch straight to your heart, addin my pain,it hurt!!! and again, my binik become victim, she is only the best friends i had in this world, always be at my side, we always together and always beside me whether im happy and in pain, 170kmh become ordinary, just like 80kmh,but still not enough, i want more speed!!! i become addict with speed and cravinnn for more speed and again when i driving fast and feel adrenaline kicks inside the body, and g force toward u, i feel happy and away from the problem,but my fellow friend plis dont try this act, one profesional like me can do the stunt action ;) if i get sports,fast car car hehe, its my dream actually
im not ask friends like saidina abu bakar,but be honest,understand me, do not add anymore burden to me, i already forgive what he done,and dont afraid, i will become profesional and not mix the personal problem and profesional things,long time ago, and i know,sy taklayak disayangi, dicintai sesiapa pun,that my promise to myself. love is not for me, its for another person, but not for me, i know that fact that u try to express but i become phobia and the pain just like in cinema, play again in my mind, its hurt !!!and i happy and want to be alone, in the end i will be alone forever, do not trust anyone, what the point i have best friend if add pain inside me?i feel happy being alone and again, do not trust anyone fully, even your best friends. ya ALLAH plis guide me to the right way, path and become a good muslim
biar saya sorang2 kt sini sampai bila2 ;)